
All you have to know to make the most of the Nucleon theme.

FAQ / Quick Answers

If you would like to purchase our Theme, you can follow these instructions :
  • Go to your HubSpot account.
  • Click the Marketplace icon marketplace in the main navigation bar.
  • Click Asset Marketplace.
  • Use the search bar to search for a theme by name. You'll find our theme by typing "Nucleon".

If you want to purchase the Nucleon HubSpot Theme, a HubSpot account with the HubSpot CMS is required. 

Each theme purchase is only valid for the portal where it's purchased from. You can use the Nucleon theme for all domains hosted in your portal.

Yes ! You'll find all you need to know about the Nucleon Theme in this Getting Started Guide : How getting started, how to use the modules etc. 

If you find any issue, or just need some help, feel free to send us an email at Our team of HubSpot Experts will be happy to help you.

If you find any issue, bug, or just need some help, feel free to send us an email at

Our team of HubSpot Experts will be happy to help you.

Sure! We adopt an on-going process of improvements and evolutions to make NUCLEON always better. 

Feel free to reach out to us at if you want to suggest any ideas or improvements that could make your life easier!

We offer free lifetime update support.

You can request a refund within 30 days after the purchase date. 

Please note that the refund will be done on the same credit card or bank account you used for the original payment. We cannot send the refund to another credit card or bank account.

For further information, please visit HubSpot Asset Marketplace Refund Guidelines.

The purchase process in the marketplace does not automatically generate an invoice. You can send your company name, billing address and Tax-ID to : we will create an invoice for you.